Written by Josh Chuah. Following up from my previous post “Understanding tendinopathy”, this post will cover practical implications of management to help kick-start your recovery process. “Understanding tendinopathy” is quite a heavy read, however, having a good grasp of what tendinopathy is and how it develops is essential, especially if you’re a personal trainer […]
Category: Uncategorized
Managing patella tendinopathy in powerlifting Pt.1 – Understanding Tendinopathy
Written by Josh Chuah. Imagine having over 90% of your 1 rep max squat on your back – In that particular moment, the focus should really be on cues aiming to maximize efficiency, positioning and force production. Instead, you’re worrying about what your knee would feel like when you hit the bottom of your […]
Workers Compensation and Motor Vehicle Claims
The Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services (Clinical Framework) is an evidence-based guide designed to support healthcare practitioners delivering services to people with compensable injuries. Developed by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and the Victorian WorkCover Authority, this framework reflects contemporary research and has been widely endorsed by Australian workers’ compensation jurisdictions, as well as […]
Understanding Pain
At some point in our lives, each and every one of us will experience this strange thing called pain, whether physical or emotional. Experiencing pain is part of conscious living, it is part of being human. The question is – What exactly is pain? Is it as simple as “pain = tissue/body damage”? (eg. If […]