The Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services (Clinical Framework) is an evidence-based guide designed to support healthcare practitioners delivering services to people with compensable injuries. Developed by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and the Victorian WorkCover Authority, this framework reflects contemporary research and has been widely endorsed by Australian workers’ compensation jurisdictions, as well as peak health associations.

The Clinical Framework outlines five principles shown to deliver optimal recovery and return to work outcomes for injured workers. The principles are:

  1. measure and demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment
  2. adopt a biopsychosocial approach
  3. empower the injured person to manage their injury
  4. implement goals focused on optimising function, participation and return to work
  5. base treatment on best available research evidence

WorkCover WA endorses the use of the Clinical Framework by medical and allied health practitioners delivering services to injured workers in Western Australia.

Clinical Framework


All information on this page adopted from

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